ชื่องานสัมนา / Conference : |
โครงการประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติ "International conference on Language Diversity and Preservation of Cultural Heritage (LCP 2019)" |
ที่มาและความสำคัญ : |
One of the effects of climate change and urbanization are the marginalization of minority communities which are losing their ways of life and access to resources in the local and economic environment. Via systemic pressures, minority community members are forced to relocate to ensure social and economic mobility. This leads to shifting to majority languages, i.e. the break in intergenerational knowledge transmission; the older generations are disenfranchised and the communities are disrupted. Centuries of knowledge encoded in language is being lost before it has been recorded. All over the world, communities are struggling with these processes, trying to maintain their languages and cultural knowledge. In this sense, UNESCO has declared 2019 the "International Year of Indigenous Languages" with the objective of raising awareness to the urgent need to preserve, revitalize, and promote indigenous languages around the world. Thailand is representative of the current global situation with approximately 70 living languages, 15 of which are highly endangered.
The conference is hosted by the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, at Mahidol University, and is organized in collaboration with the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) at SOAS, University of London. The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia has conducted research over the past 40 years on linguistic and cultural issues from a humanistic social perspective by adopting a broad-disciplinary approach, with a special focus on research for the promotion, conservation and revitalization of ethnic groups. SOAS, University of London has a long-established international reputation in the study of African and Asian languages. It has developed a unique expertise in the theoretical and practical aspects of documentation, description and archiving of endangered languages. ELAR is a digital repository specialized in preserving and publishing endangered language documentation materials from around the /world. It holds more than 500 multimedia collections of endangered languages worldwide, with regional strongholds in Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia and South America. All materials are digital, free to access, openly available and have a worldwide coverage. ELAR is seen as a reputable and reliable repository and as one of the leading language and culture archives worldwide.
LCP 2019 will be organized in the framework of the Newton-funded Institutional Links project "THE ETHNIC GROUP DIGITAL ARCHIVE: PROMOTING THE PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE DIVERSITY IN THAILAND". The project's main goal is the implementation of a digital infrastructure in Thailand using Mukurtu CMS, which is a Drupal-based platform for data management, community archiving and data dissemination. In general terms, the project aims at developing measures to preserve cultural heritage and linguistic diversity by local scholars and community themselves, building local capacity and strengthening societal impact.
The conference aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum in which scholars working on the linguistic diversity in Thailand can exchange their knowledge and research in language documentation and language maintenance. It will be also an important place for the presentation and promotion of the newly created digital archive, fostering the discussion around archiving issues and the importance of archiving for the preservation of language diversity. Moreover, LCP 2019 represents an important step towards the development of regional, national, and international networks among institutions focused on the preservation of cultural heritage in Thailand. |
หัวข้อในการสัมมนา : |
Language Diversity and Preservation of Cultural Heritage |
สถานที่จัดงาน : |
สถาบันวิจัยภาษาและวัฒนธรรมเอเชีย มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล |
หน่วยงานที่ร่วมจัดงาน : |
SOAS University of London, UK
Newton fund
British council
The Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) at SOAS, University of London |
บทบาทของหน่วยงาน : |
สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย และ SOAS University of London, UK เป็นผู้ให้ทุนสนับสนุน ส่วนสถาบันวิจัยภาษาและวัฒนธรรมเอเชีย มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล เป็นเจ้าภาพหลักและเป็นผู้ประสานงานการจัดประชุมวิชาการ |
วัตถุประสงค์ของการจัดงาน : |
1. To create a learning exchange space for the academic community at local, national, and international levels. They will have the opportunity to meet, talk, and exchange knowledge which is beneficial to continue research on indigenous languages and cultures in ASEAN and beyond.
2. To develop an academic cooperation network among local, national, and international scholars and institutions.
3. To promote and encourage the educational and research potential of researchers and students proactively through the exchange of learning from the international conference.
4. To promote research outputs globally.
จำนวนผู้เข้าร่วมกิจกรรม : |
จำนวน 58 คน มีผู้เข้าร่วมประชุม 11 ประเทศ ได้แก่ ไนจีเรีย, อินเดีย, อังกฤษ, บราซิล, จีน, อเมริกา, เนปาล, อินโดนีเซีย, ฮังการี, พม่า และ ไทย |
ช่วงเวลาที่จัดกิจกรรม : |
17-18 ธันวาคม 2563 |
ข้อสรุปที่ได้จากงานสัมมนา / Conference : |
There were 58 participates of 11 different nationalities who joined in this conference. They included professors and experts from 11 countries, such as United Kingdom, India, Philippines, USA, People's Republic Of China, Myanmar, Nepal, Hungary, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil and Thailand some of whom served a guest speakers and moderators. For evaluation, a questionnaire was used to gauge the degree of satisfaction of participants. The questionnaire included closed-end questions (5 point scale) and open-ended questions. In total, 10 completed questionnaires were returned. The average mean scores of participants were converted into the participants’ satisfaction level as follows:
- Mean scores 1.00 - 1.49 = Very Poor
- Mean scores 1.50 – 2.49 = Poor
- Mean scores 2.50 - 3.49 = Okay
- Mean scores 3.50 - 4.49 = Good
- Mean scores 4.50 - 5.00 = Excellent
This questionnaire covers 6 aspects for which the participants’ satisfaction was graded namely: (1) overall of conference, (2) venue, (3) program schedule (4) plenary sessions (5) parallel sessions (6) conference website. The results of this evaluation were as follows:
Mean |
Result |
- Overall Satisfaction with Conference
4.19 |
Good |
4.23 |
Good |
4.13 |
Good |
- Plenary Sessions
- How relevant were the plenary sessions to your needs and interests?
4.22 |
Good |
- How useful were the visual aids?
4.11 |
Good |
- How effective and appropriate was the presentation style?
4.19 |
Good |
- How appropriate was the length of the session?
4.21 |
Good |
- How appropriate was the time allocation for a Q&A or group discussion (if there was any)?
4.14 |
Good |
- How well did the sessions allow you to learn about the presented topics or issues?
4.11 |
Good |
- How helpful was the moderator?
4.19 |
Good |
- Parallel Sessions
- How relevant were the parallel sessions to your needs and interests?
4.17 |
Good |
- How useful were the visual aids?
3.99 |
Good |
- How effective and appropriate was the presentation style?
4.10 |
Good |
- How appropriate were the length of the sessions?
4.19 |
Good |
- How appropriate was the time allocation for Q&A or group discussion (if there is any)?
4.13 |
Good |
- How well did the sessions allow you to learn about the presented topics or issues?
4.10 |
Good |
- How well did the session allow you to reflect on your country practices?
4.11 |
Good |
- How helpful was the moderator?
4.10 |
Good |
- How relevant was the conference website to your needs and interests?
4.08 |
Good |
- How effective and appropriate was the conference website layouts?
4.02 |
Good |
- How appropriate was the website content?
4.01 |
Good |
- How difficult was it to explore the conference website?
3.90 |
Good |
The overall satisfactions mean score was 4.19 which equates to “good”. The following are comments from the open-ended questionnaire:
Comments and suggestion about future topics you would be interested in learning about in future conferences:
- Documentation and Reservation of Endangered Cultures
- Language revitalization
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Modern Technology for Linguistics and Community
- Community Based Research and Academic Research
- Feminism
Comments and suggestion about location, speakers or general suggestions regarding future conferences:
It would have been a little more helpful it the central issue of this conference was specifically language documentation even though the innovative vision was the key concept and practice of interdisciplinary collaboration.
ผลลัพธ์ที่ได้จากงานสัมมนา / Conference :
1. Leadership in driving language and culture research that promotes a holistic approach.
2. The expansion of academic collaboration networks at both local and global levels.
3. The development of potential research and extension of knowledge to research personnel, local communities, students, scholars and the public at large.
4. Increase in publications. |
Web link : |
http://www.rilcaconf.lc.mahidol.ac.th/LCP2019 |
SDG goal ที่เกี่ยวข้องอื่นๆ |
รูปภาพประกอบ : |